Speech Trek

The first Napa County Branch of AAUW Speech Trek
February 18, 2014

The Eleanor Stem-Allen Memorial Speech Contest
Topic for 2013-14

The post WWII Women’s Movement has celebrated 50 years of progress…yet there is a ceiling on this progress in leadership roles for women.

Is there an ambition or opportunity gap? Why are only twenty-one of all Fortune 500 CEO positions held by women? What issues do women face that contribute to this lack of substantial progress? Can young women break through this leadership ceiling by the decisions they make after they leave high school?

Four students from Napa and New Tech High gave 5-6 minute original speeches on this topic.

napaCounty-SpeechTrek2014-WinnersFirst place winner, Parker Linn, will have a DVD of her speech submitted to the AAUW CA state semi-final competition with a chance to give their speech at the AAUW California Convention and win between $1500 and $500.

2nd place winner- Marina Moore
3rd place winner- Salvador Torres
Honorable Mention- Monica Morales

The Toastmasters of Napa and local AAUW branch members coached the students to prepare them for the Speech Contest.

napaCounty-SpeechTrek2014-JudgesWe are thankful to the contribution of the judges who were Marlene Zimmerman from AAUW Napa County Branch, Nancy Kaemmer, Toastmasters of Napa and Brad Wagenknecht, Napa County Board of Supervisors.