Past President’s Pin

Our pin is 1 3/8 inches in diameter and can be worn as a pin or pendant (chain is not included). Our AAUW Branch Past Presidents sell these pins to support the AAUW Education & Training Fund, while at the same time annually designating 2 – 4 named gift honorees.

Designed by Napa County Branch Past President Gladys Johnson, this pin has been available since 1970.  Branches on the pin form the letters AAUW and the leaves symbolize each past president as vital to the life of the branch.  The Educational and Training Fund receives all proceeds.  For more information, you can contact Kim Medlin.


Silver Pin: $150 (above)
Pewter Pin: $60 (below)



To order by check, please use this order form: Past Presidents Pin Order Form 2025 or scroll down to purchase online using PayPal.  Please note, the price of the Silver Pin has increased to $150.  

Download the PDF to your Adobe or other PDF reader on your computer.
After downloading the file to your PDF reader program, click on print (Printer icon at the top left of the screen) in the PDF reader program.
The complete form should be displayed in front of you and in the top left hand corner. Click “Print” to print the form using your PDF reader program.
Send the completed form and a check or money order with the order form to:

AAUW Napa Co. Past Presidents
PO Box 61
Napa CA 94559

The price of the pin includes tax and shipping.
Orders are processed when check is received.

You may also pay electronically using the PayPal buttons below.

Pin prices include tax and shipping.

STANDARD SHIPPING (1 to 2 weeks delivery)

Sterling Silver Pin: $153 (Includes Standard Shipping and $3 handling fee)

Pewter Pin: $63 (Includes Standard Shipping and $3 handling fee)

RUSH SHIPPING (3-5 days delivery)

Sterling Silver Pin: $178 (includes $25 rush shipping and $3 handling fee)

Pewter Pin: $88 (includes $25 rush shipping and $3 handling fee)

Donate to AAUW Funds