September Branch Meeting

September Branch Meeting – 9/20/14

Tech Trek 2014 and Professor Gretchen LeBuhn from The Great Sunflower Project

The girls who attended the AAUW California State Tech Trek and Math Camps at the Sonoma State University or UC Davis will speak about their experiences. Professor Gretchen LeBuhn, Biology professor at SFSU and director of The Great Sunflower Project will speak about the focus of the Great Sunflower Project, a citizen science project that focuses on the effects of climate change on bumblebees in alpine environments.

September 20, 2014 at 11:30am
Ristorante La Strada
6240 Napa Vallejo Hwy-29
American Canyon

There will be a salad, choice of entrees, ice cream, tea and coffee.
Entrée choices:

  1. Chicken Marsala
  2. Penne Fiorentina (vegetarian)
  3. Penne Ragu (meat)

Make checks payable to “AAUW Napa County” for $22.00 and indicate your entrée choice and send to: Beth Bywater, 1700 Trower Ave., Napa, CA 94558.

RSVP by September 14, 2014.

Guests are welcome.

Call Toby Mitchell at (707) 266-8783